Post 7: An Expert on your field

I don't know a lot about expert in my field, but, I can talk about a person that I knew in my university.  She is my teacher Paula Vidal. Little can I say about her life, I know that she study Philosophy and Social Work at  Pontifical Universidad Católica de Chile and she did a doctorate in Brazil.  Years Ago, she with others professional worked in the reopening of Social Work at Universidad de Chile. Besides, I know she has two daughters.
At present, Paula Vidal is academic of Social Work, she does subject like "Fundamentos del Trabajo Social" ,"Justicia Social" and is responsible of  the core of Social movement. 
She is a positive influence for me because is an excellent  professional and also is a great teacher. Furthermore, she work with themes very interesting like the history of social work, social movement and how the professionals can work with the social movement. These themes are important and interest for me, therefore, she is a great expert for me.


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