My future job

Hello! This day I will talk about the job that I would like have in the future. If you asked me ¿what is the job of your dreams? Probably I would say "obstetrician" because I think that is a beautiful profession, singer (If I had a beautiful voice) or be reporter like Pancho Saavedra and get paid for travel and know new places.
But also I could say "be Social Worker" because at the present I am really in love of my career (Social Work). I just want finish the university and work. In that sense, my dream job is to be Social Worker, but that job would reach the perfection if I could work in social memory or in historical populations like " la Victoria" characterized for its trajectory and fight, nevertheless, today are known for other things like drug and crime. Well, I would love work in these places, and I would like even more if I could make change there and receive a good salary, of course. But both thing are difficult very difficult.

Nevertheless, secretly, I would like to answer:  I would prefer not work, and travel around the world, but we all know that this is not possible (unless you are rich).
while I hope to win the lottery, I'm content with be Social Worker.


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