Raly Barrionuevo

Hello everybody! Today I talk about  a singer that I listen these days his name is " Raly Barrionuevo". He is a singer Argentinian, Raly was born in"Frias" (province Santiago del nuevo estero), He is 47 years old. He sings folklore specially "zambas" and "chacareras". 
The zambas are a kind of music, that born in the north argentinian approximately in the XIX century. 
In the last moment I listen to Raly a lot but I know him 2 months ago.

 His songs are very beautiful, his lyrics, his voice, every is beautiful. Although not all the songs that sing are of his authorship, Raly have a very good interpretation, including, I thing that his version of the songs are better. 

The songs that remember in this moments are "zamba y acuarela", " ayer te vi", " zamba de usted", " de aberti". Most of these songs not written for he, in the fact, only " zamba y acuarela" was written for Raly. This song was a firt that listen. All the songs that named are more or less romantic.

My favorite song of Raly Barrionuevo in the present is " zamba de usted" I don't know because this song is my favorite but I like very much. Is a song beautiful a bit nostalgic, is a song for listen when there a pity of love.
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